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Carpet Extraction Risk Assessment

Ensuring Cleanliness with Precision: Carpet Extraction Cleaning Risk Assessment

Cleaning Extraction Risk Assessment

£10.00+ VAT

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Carpet Extraction Risk assessment are crucial to preventing accidents in the office workplace environment: not only can risk assessments reduce the likelihood of accidents. They also help raise awareness of hazards and minimise risk.

They reduce injuries and save lives: risk assessments don’t just identify hazards that create short-term risks.

This Carpet Extraction Risk assessment can be downloaded and amended to suit your office extraction needs.

Carpet cleaning chemicals have been known to contain surfactants which is known for causing skin problems among workers. Fragrances and disinfectants may cause chronic respiratory problems

There are many hazards when working in an office environment including incorrect workstation set-up, poor lighting, poor layout of furniture and equipment, poor housekeeping, electrical hazards and equipment hazards.

Is carpet a health hazard?
How can carpet impact health? Carpets and rugs may trap pollutants and allergens like dust mites, pet dander, cockroach allergens, particle pollution, lead, mold spores, pesticides, dirt and dust. Toxic gases in the air can stick to small particles that settle into carpets.

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Health Safety Work Regs 2006

Cleaning Extraction Risk Assessment

£10.00+ VAT

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