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Anti Harassment Bullying Training

"Promoting a culture of respect and inclusivity for a harmonious workplace."

£25.00+ VAT

Purchase secured and fulfilled by VideoTileHost

Key Points

⦿ Understand the impact of harassment and bullying
⦿ Differentiate between harassment and bullying behaviours
⦿ Learn how to prevent and address these issues effectively
⦿ Promote a culture of respect and inclusivity
⦿ Enhance employee morale and productivity

Our Anti harassment bullying training focuses on creating a respectful and safe working environment.

Firstly the Anti harassment bullying training online course covers your company’s anti-harassment and bullying policy, explains the differences between harassment and bullying, and provides practical steps to address these issues.

Secondly Real-life case studies are included to enhance learning.

By completing this training, participants will be equipped to prevent and address harassment and bullying, fostering a positive workplace atmosphere.

Bullying and harassment is behaviour that makes someone feel intimidated or offended.

Harassment is unlawful under the Equality Act 2010.

Examples of bullying or harassing behaviour include:

  • spreading malicious rumours
  • unfair treatment
  • picking on or regularly undermining someone
  • denying someone’s training or promotion opportunities

Bullying and harassment can happen:

  • face-to-face
  • by letter
  • by email
  • by phone

Why not take a look at our Behavioural Safety Training

Useful Bullying & Harassment Information

Course Covers

Understanding the impact of harassment and bullying
Recognising the signs and differentiating between the two
Company policies and legal obligations
Preventive measures and fostering a respectful work environment
Effective reporting and intervention strategies
Case studies and real-life examples

Health & Wellbeing

We prioritise the health and wellbeing of all employees, and this course emphasises the importance of maintaining a positive work environment. It provides insights and strategies to promote mental and emotional wellbeing.


Upon successful completion of the course, participants will receive a certification from GreenBox Management, recognising their commitment to creating respectful workplaces.

£25.00+ VAT

Purchase secured and fulfilled by VideoTileHost

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